More and more students are finding themselves migrating from their home countries to So, you’re applying to universities. One day, you get an email from one of the universities asking you to come in for an interview. What do you do in this university and how do you prepare to ensure that you impress the interviewer enough for them to consider you as a potential student at their university?

First, we need to dive into what you can do pre-interview to make sure you do the best you can in your actual interview. You want to research and look for all that you can find about the university. Research the program that you’ve applied to. This is to ensure that you’ll be able to answer any questions they ask you about the program, the university, and why you want to study that program in their university.

Another thing you could do is rehearse sample interview questions. A simple Google search should allow you to find many sample questions that interviewers could ask you, and on YouTube, you’ll be able to find mock interviews. Some questions that universities can ask you could be:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • What do you expect to be doing in 10 years from now?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Why are you interested in our university?
  • Why do you want to major in _______?
  • How could you contribute to our college community?
  • What are your academic strengths?
  • What subject in high school did you find most challenging?

For the actual interview itself, you want to dress your best. First impressions are very important, so you want to leave behind a good impact. If you’re confused about how to dress, just go for a business casual attire. Make sure you’re on time for the interview. Don’t be late or too early.

During the interview, try to be yourself, but the best version of yourself. Be open and be confident and highlight that in your body language; hold eye contact and ensure your posture is well. Try not to hesitate when answering questions but also don’t ramble on. Give enough details but not too many that you forget what the actual question itself was.

To really leave an impression, ask them questions that cannot be answered on their website. Show that you are interested in their program at their university and that you wouldn’t miss the chance to study there.

After the interview ends and you get home, be sure to send a thank you email to the interviewer for taking out time from their day to meet you and how much you enjoyed talking to them. It’s the little things that people remember, so be sure to leave a lasting impact!

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