Your Bucket List for Studying Abroad!

Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you’re thinking about studying abroad, I’ve got you covered with an epic bucket list that will make your experience truly unforgettable. Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture, gain a global perspective, and create lifelong memories. So let’s dive right in and explore the ultimate bucket list for your study abroad adventure!

1. Learn the Local Language:
Embrace the challenge of learning a new language and make an effort to communicate with locals in their native tongue. Not only will it enhance your cultural experience, but it’ll also open doors to deeper connections and understanding.

2. Explore Hidden Gems:
Go beyond the popular tourist spots and uncover hidden gems in your host city or country. Wander through local markets, stumble upon charming cafes, and discover lesser-known neighbourhoods. These hidden treasures often hold the true essence of a place.

3. Try Exotic Cuisine:
Don’t be afraid to venture out of your culinary comfort zone and savor the local cuisine. From street food to fine dining, let your taste buds embark on a flavorful journey. Ask locals for their recommendations and indulge in authentic dishes.

4. Travel to Nearby Destinations:
Take advantage of your study abroad location by exploring nearby cities and countries. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a longer trip, immerse yourself in different cultures and witness diverse landscapes. Traveling is the best classroom for cultural education.

5. Engage in Local Traditions:
Participate in traditional festivals, rituals, or cultural activities unique to your study abroad destination. Whether it’s joining a local dance, trying your hand at traditional crafts, or celebrating a national holiday, these experiences will provide insights into the local way of life.

6. Make Friends with Locals:
Forming connections with locals is a fantastic way to learn about their culture firsthand. Engage in conversations, join local clubs or organizations, and be open to making new friends. They’ll give you a genuine perspective and might become lifelong friends.

7. Take Challenging Courses:
While studying abroad is undoubtedly an exciting adventure, don’t forget the “study” part. Challenge yourself academically by enrolling in courses that offer a unique perspective or are not available in your home country. It’s an excellent opportunity for personal and intellectual growth.

8. Volunteer or Intern:
Give back to the community by volunteering or interning in a local organization. It’s a chance to make a positive impact, gain practical experience, and forge connections beyond your academic bubble. Plus, it adds valuable depth to your resume.

9. Embrace Adventure Sports:
If you’re an adrenaline junkie, seek out thrilling activities that your study abroad destination offers. Whether it’s bungee jumping, surfing, skiing, or skydiving, take advantage of the local landscapes and get your heart racing.

10. Document Your Journey:
Lastly, don’t forget to capture and document your study abroad adventure. Take photographs, keep a journal, or start a blog to share your experiences with friends and family back home. Reflecting on your journey will allow you to relive those incredible moments for years to come.

Remember, studying abroad is a unique opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and explore the world while furthering your education. So go ahead, check off these items from your study abroad bucket list, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Safe travels and happy exploring!

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Why You Should Study Abroad: A Realistic Approach

Hesitant about leaving home and going abroad? Doubt and second thoughts are normal occurrences for most students applying abroad. However, the decisions you make now are vital for your future. Working towards an international degree includes international grade academics but also expanding personal horizons and career opportunities, and most of all, it allows you to have the experience of a lifetime! Here’s why you should study abroad:

  • Diverse options for your courses:

Countries abroad offer a broader range of courses for your academics, covering the different aspects of a single industry. This allows for more comprehensive and specialized training and research on a certain field, allowing you to be more skilled, or to even be able to pursue personal interests along with your academics! 

  • The career boost:

Many employers and companies are impressed with potential employees who have diversified and unique resumes and backgrounds. Studying abroad allows students to add that to their unique experiences!

  • Experience a different culture:

One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad for many international students is the chance to become immersed in a totally different environment. This enriching experience will enable you to see and do things you wouldn’t expect and meet people who have grown up in a different culture.

  • Becoming independent:

It’s often said that going to university is when you become truly independent from your parents and family. This is especially true when you go to university in another country! Moving abroad is the ultimate test of self-reliance. When (or if) you move back, you’ll likely rely on others less and you’ll take more responsibility for yourself.

  • Learning more about yourself:

Throwing yourself into a completely new environment will help you to figure out what you’re good at, as well as what you’re not so good at. These are things that can then be built on during your study abroad experience.

  • Learn to appreciate the smaller things in life! 

Studying abroad usually means you have even fewer possessions than the average student, and being that much further from home can really make you miss those familiar comforts you’d taken for granted. Welcome to a new-found appreciation of everything from your parents’ cooking to having more than two pairs of shoes.

There are multiple reasons why studying abroad is a great option, and we’ve converted only a few! Ultimately, it’s all up to your preference and whether you believe you’re ready to fly high and alone!

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Fields for which studying abroad can help you land a good job in Pakistan

Want an International education but a career in Pakistan? One thing or another always brings us back home. It could be the circle of life, or the need to be back to the culture and tradition we know so well, but often students choose to go study abroad, and then return home to work on their career. This could be because the workforce here offers more opportunities or someone might decide they want to work to improve the country in some ways. But what are the careers that will help you maintain a stable lifestyle in Pakistan? We’ve mentioned below some of the best career and job opportunities available in Pakistan: 

  • Chartered Accountant: Chartered accountants are very successful entrepreneurs. There’s a lot of respect for this career in Pakistan, and it is a very well-paying job, due to the high qualification and skill of the individuals who take up this job. 
  • Architect: Architecture is a rising profession and field of study in Pakistan. As Pakistan extends international relations, there’s a better scope than ever for architects to work with international and local companies to make a name for themselves. 
  • Surgeon: Surgery is a tough profession, but all the more valued in Pakistan due to it’s ever-needed necessity. There’s a deficiency of well-educated and well-trained surgeons in Pakistan, who are extremely successful with their patients, which makes it a very high-paying job, and one that many should seek out. 
  • Lawyer: Pakistan is a progressing country, and its youth are learning more and more about social issues and the awareness that should be brought about because of them. As a country who’s doing its best to advocate for legal business and conduct, law has become a popular career choice. It’s very important for one to be able to understand the legal foundations that the country is built on and to understand what is legal and illegal here, which is why so much of the youth is opting for law, and not just because of the pay. 
  • Engineering: The world is moving towards an era of innovation and technology, where people are able to see the world and create solutions to miniscule problems, which makes the need for engineering all that louder. Pakistan cherishes all types of engineering; could be mechanical, biomedical, electrical, chemical etc. As a developing country, Pakistan now needs more than ever, young bright-minded individuals who are able to look at the country and it’s issues with a different perspective and understand in depth what could be done to tackle all the practical difficulties the country is facing. 
  • Software Engineer/Software Development Manager: As the world moves on to its digital era, the rise for the need of software engineers and development managers is felt all around. Pakistan is catching up with the rest of the world, but any developing field requires a push. For Pakistan, the push would be brilliant minded students who have studied from internationally acclaimed universities and learned what other countries have done to remain afloat in the digital era, who are able to implement what they’ve studied and worked on within Pakistan and develop the software industry in Pakistan. 
  • Digital Marketer: Within every industry, currently there is a need to broadcast the services and products offered. This task is taken on and carried out by digital marketers, professionals in their field, who know the best ways to reach out to an audience and to consumers. Pakistan has seen the works of these people, played out on TV or on the billboards along the work, and this field only remains rising more and more. 
  • Physician: Pakistan is susceptible to many diseases, due to a lack of well-developed healthcare systems, which makes physicians more needed. With the onset of COVID-19, dengue, rubella, measles, polio, diabetes, etc. physicians are a highly-demanded profession for the country, with almost every hospital needing more and more. 
  • Dentist: Lack of awareness and implementation of proper dental hygiene causes some of the worst dental cases within Pakistan. Almost every other person has some sort of dental problem, which is why dentists are highly-paid within Pakistan. 
  • Pilots: As more international traffic heads to and from Pakistan, there is an added requirement for trained pilots, who are able to cope with different time-zones and long flights, and the issues that may arise with the aircrafts. 
  • Information Technology and Systems Professional: More and more companies are digitizing to keep up with the fast-moving developments that the world is making, and with that comes more opportunities for people highly qualified for dealing with all the equipment that is needed to keep everything stored on a cloud.
  • Project Manager: Pakistan is a country that’s working to make a name internationally in all industries possible. It’s a busy country with many things happening all at once, many projects coming up that are promised to take things to the next level. This calls for a project manager, someone who can organize all the tasks and deadlines of everything that has to be done to ensure efficiency. A project managerial position within any of Pakistan’s well-renowned companies is a very well-paying and well-respected job. 
  • Supply Chain Manager: Being authentic and meeting certain set-standards is something that Pakistan is famous for. To ensure that all needs are being met and all operations are carried out to full capacity while meeting quality standards, a supply chain manager is very important to any company and business. The hype for supply chain managers in Pakistan has only increased in the past few years and will continue to do, which is what makes it such a good career option. 

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Why would studying abroad be a better choice?

Globalization is changing the way the world works, and employers are increasingly looking for workers who have cross-cultural competence and cutting-edge technical skills.

We’ve all seen those movies where the protagonist goes to study in a new country with a different culture than their origination, and how they experience an eye-opening, life-changing journey throughout their time there. We’ve all imagined how it would be like to experience the very same thing. But there should be more reasons for going abroad to study than wanting to live the movie experience. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list that explains the pros of going abroad to study:

  • Experience a different culture: Different regions of the world have different lifestyles and traditions. Going international helps you see and live these lifestyles which can help you become more open-minded and accepting of different societies, and more understanding of different morals. 
  • Career Advantages: More than ever before in history, globalization has connected the world regardless of the distances that lie between. People who are able to compete and utilize their skills regardless of differences that may arise are part of the future of this world. These people are given advantages in their career as they learn to communicate across multiple language barriers, get a chance to create global connections, get the opportunity to boost self-confidence and logical thinking, and often get work opportunities in the country they study in. 
  • Learn to be independent: When you’re studying far away from your home, you quickly have to rely on yourself to get everything done, from making your own food to cleaning up and managing your time. 
  • Overcoming fears: When you’re in an unfamiliar country, you have to learn to come out of your comfort zone and take on many challenges and fears to help you grow as a person.
  • Learn a new language: Multilingualism is now a huge trend globally. Multilingual individuals have an added skill in their CV and are a huge asset for multinational companies. 
  • High-quality education: Internationally, there are many universities that are highly-esteemed and well known for their quality of education. Not only do they help you with your personal growth, they also help you study and learn differently, and look at the world with a new perspective. 
  • Meeting a diverse range of people and making lifelong friends.
  • Self-discovery and life experience: When you look at life from a different point-of-view, and when you’re far away from the norms that you grew up with, you get to really discover what makes you YOU, and allows you to honestly reflect on yourself. 
  • Increase your international job prospects: When companies view your CV and see that you’ve studied at an international university, it makes you a better candidate for their business. This would increase the prospects for your career and a more viable option compared to other applicants.
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