3 Ways to Deal with Rejection From Your Dream College

Getting a rejection from the college/university of your choice is a less talked about but a very real occurrence. In such a scenario students often ask: What do I do now? 

Here are some answers:  

1. Do not give up:

As cliche as it sounds, DO NOT GIVE UP. More than anything else, keeping a positive psychological mindset is a must when applying for colleges. Feeling defeated, giving up and going into a negative mindset can only result in self-pity. However, being in control of your nerves and having a positive attitude can not only help you in dealing with the situation but can also prepare you for looking into backup plans and options

2. Take time to think about a plan B:

One reason why students are asked to apply to not one by at least three or four universities is so that they have a backup plan in case they don’t get into their first choice university. Having options is never harmful, only helpful. 

3. Discuss your options with your guidance counsellor:

One way to go about it is by getting back to your counsellor and discussing all the other options that are available to you. Counsellors are generally more experienced in this field and therefore are aware of the universities you can get into with your current academic profile. Discussing your options with them can not only be stress relieving for you but can also make you feel less defeated by letting you know that you can still apply for your studies abroad.

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4 Reasons Why College Applications Get Rejected?

While every student pours their heart and soul into their college application, oftentimes they still get rejected leaving the student to wonder Why? Here are four of the most common reasons that applications can get rejected:

1. Missing the deadline:

One of the most obvious reasons for application rejection is missing the deadline. While some universities let you apply for an extension after citing valid reasons for being late, most of them do not. KNOW your deadlines before you start applying and keep at least a year’s time gap between starting the application and the deadline. 

2. Incomplete application: 

Application submission differs from university to university. While most of them let you resubmit and edit your documents, some of them don’t have that option. Students must be VERY vigilant when uploading relevant documents, as failure to resubmit them will lead to an application rejection.

3. Not proofreading applications:

One very common reason that can put off any university is an application that has TOO many spellings and grammatical errors. Students often think that proofreading is not an important part of submitting an application and take it too casually. On the contrary, an application with such errors reflects on your seriousness as a student and gets you rejected.

4. Weak SOP and Recommendations

Weak personal statements and recommendations can also be a major reason in getting a rejection later on in the admission process. Personal statements are supposed to be ‘personalised’ hence must talk about the student, his passion, and willingness to study abroad in detail. Generic personal statements, one that has too many grammatical and spelling errors, one that exceeds the stated word limit are all that eventually contribute to a rejection.

Similarly, recommendations are your impression on the admission officer. When giving recommendations, ensure that they are relevant to the degree that you are applying for. Always go for those recommendations that shed a positive light on you as well as your performance as a student. Recommendations that are generic also get an application rejected. 

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