Procrastination has become a common nuisance for every individual today, be it students or employed personnel. In fact, we procrastinated writing this very blog. It’s an issue that arises due to many causes and leads to many negative emotions such as anxiety and guilt. If left as it is, it can lead to a kind of laziness that borders on dangerous. So how exactly do we avoid procrastinating and how do we make it all better? 

Sometimes, we just need to pull the trigger and be done with it. You have to fight with your brain sometimes and force yourself to get up, sit straight and just start. Taking the first step is often enough to get yourself moving and doing. 

However, it is to be understood that some days will be productive and other days won’t be as constructive. We need to learn how to make the most of when we do have the energy to keep pushing, and to take a break when we feel like we can’t go on longer. It’s best not to push your own limits when you understand or discover what those limits are. Make sure you’re able to channel the right mindset to sit down and work, work, work and that you’re not breaking yourself. We’re only human and sometimes we can’t work and can’t be productive, and that’s completely fine.

If you’re operating at low energy and motivation, it’s best to start with smaller, easier tasks till you’re able to recover and put your head where it needs to be. Learn what you can do to improve your lifestyle to have more energy and motivation. The improvements could be getting more sleep, changing to a healthier diet with more greens and less sugar, avoiding junk food, exercising, taking supplements or drinking more water. All of these would help you feel better and more eager and ready to take on the world. 

Often, procrastination comes from a place of being not as organized as we’d like to be. Making everything orderly could be key to achieving all we want, and this could be done by investing in a planner, keeping and prioritizing to-do lists and tasks, planning out projects, setting deadlines, using task- and time- management apps, etc. Once everything is laid out and seems clear, it can be easier to get it done and over with.

Another thing that could help is being realistic and setting simple, achievable goals, and not impossible feats that you hope you can do. When you overwhelm yourself, your brain will backfire on you and not work at all. Eliminate any and all distractions that could prevent you from finishing your tasks. This could be done by shutting off your phone, moving from a louder place to a much more calm and quiet room and listening to some sort of soothing music. Light up some candles, get comfortable and just start. 

Set rewards for yourself when you get certain things done as an incentive. This reward could be watching an episode of your favorite show, getting yourself your favorite meal or dessert. You could also set breaks between certain tasks to keep you motivated and relaxed throughout. 

It’s important to reflect and understand that you ARE procrastinating and thus you’re the only one responsible for whatever the outcomes of your lagging are. Recognize that you’re procrastinating, understand why and then work out how you can prevent yourself from doing it again or doing it often.