STEM covers the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As the world progresses in the 21st century, we find that there is an ever-rising need for more ingenuity and experimentation. STEM education has been highlighted in recent years as encouraging many skills, such as teamwork, resilience, problem solving, that are required for one’s career and in life in general. STEM skills are in demand in almost any career field. The importance of careers in STEM has also skyrocketed. STEM careers are among the most coveted and highest paying of all fields, especially for new college graduates eager for new opportunities.

A big aspect of STEM is the sciences field and all the various fields it offers. The science field is constantly developing and each year requires new skills and talents. We’ve highlighted some of the careers in Sciences below:


–   Biomedical Engineer: Study, plan, develop and assess biological and clinical frameworks and products such as artificial organs, prostheses, medical instruments and information systems.

–   Forensic Science Technician: Collect samples and evidence from a crime scene and perform analyses on these samples.

–   Psychologist: Study cognitive, emotional, and social processes and behavior by observing, deciphering, and recording how individuals identify with each other and to their surroundings. They use their findings to help improve processes and behaviors.

–   Epidemiologist: Public health workers who research patterns in data and causes of disease and injury.

–   Biochemist: Study the chemical principles of living things and of biological processes.

–   Geneticists: Study genes from plants, animals, and humans to determine how genes interact with each other, evolve, and duplicate.

–   Genetic Engineer: Highly trained specialists who use a variety of molecular tools and innovations to modify DNA.

–   Biotechnologist: A biotechnologist uses biological processes for their potential benefit in modern industrial and other applications. They use biology in a practical application.

–   Microbiologist: Study microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and some types of parasites. They try to understand how these organisms live, grow, and interact with their environments.


–   Chemical Engineer: Plan and execute, using principles of chemistry, physics and math to bring about innovation in chemical manufacturing processes and solving problems in already existing processes.

–   Nanotechnologist: Manipulate nano matter to develop new or existing technology, materials, equipment, etc.

–   Toxicologist: Using principles of chemistry and biology to work with chemicals and other substances to determine if they are toxic to living organisms and the environment and conducting analyses on the substances and writing research papers with statistical data.

–   Analytical Chemist: Examine process and product development and identify the elements and compounds; and their structure, composition and nature.

–   Materials Scientist: Study and analyze chemical properties and structure of various man-made and natural materials in order to develop new products and improve existing ones.

–   Geochemist: Utilize different aspects of chemistry to pan out land surveys and land work and to examine samples of soil, rocks and sediment and study composition of fossil fuel deposits.

–   Environmental engineer: Utilize principles of engineering, geology, chemistry and biology to research on the ever-changing conditions of the environment to solve problems that plague the habitat.

–   Petroleum engineer: help find oil and fuel to provide for the country’s needs and find ways to extract oil and gas from underground.


–   Mechanical Engineer: design power-producing machinery, such as generators, automobiles as well as power-using machines such as motors.

–   Academic researcher: Apply extensive knowledge and experience to research in your specialized area of study to publish papers on your work.

–   Nuclear Engineer: studies and analyses energy processes and storage systems to utilize the potential and advantages that could be had from nuclear energy and radiation.:

–   Civil Engineer: design and plan the construction and maintenance of infrastructure and facilities, such as roads, airports, bridges, dams and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.

–   Optical engineer: Use scientific skills and knowledge to come up with solutions to solve optical problems by designing devices that utilize light.

–   Data Scientist: gather and analyze large sets of organized and disorganized data.

–   Aerospace Engineer: design and create aircraft, aerospace products, satellites and missiles and function prototypes to ensure they function according to design.

–   Molecular Physicist: Thoroughly study physical phenomena and develop theories by observing and experimenting on all possibilities and come up with applications of physical laws and theories.

–   Nanotechnologist: Manipulate nano matter to develop new or existing technology, materials, equipment, etc.

–   Postsecondary Engineering Teacher: Training and teaching the next generation of specialized engineers.

The field of STEM is vast but beneficial. Sciences is just among one of the most opted for careers, because of how gratifying it can be. We hope that this article has opened your mind to different oppurtunities!

For more on Careers in STEM:

If you want to read about Careers in Technology, click here.

If you want to read about Careers in Engineering, click here.

If you want to read about Careers in Mathematics, click here.