As a college student, it is likely that you already have a massive reading list. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to give up reading for pleasure. In fact, college is the ideal time to start exploring literature and expanding the type of books that you enjoy. Here are the top 7 books that every college student should read.

1. This Side of Paradise (Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald)

This Side of Paradise is one of the novels that every student should read before graduating. The famous book is both humorous and passionate, following the story of a Princeton student who loses hope in life after graduation.

2. Brave New World (Novel by Aldous Huxley)

A Brave New World is a satirical, pessimistic view of an idealized future in which people do not fit into the system. Every student should read this book and consider whether it is more important to strive for happiness or to accept things as they have always been.

3. One Hundred Years of Solitude (Novel by Gabriel García Márquez)

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the well-known books in the world right now. Every student should set aside some time to read this book because it teaches a vital lesson about the value of friends and family. 

4. A Farewell to Arms (Novel by Ernest Hemingway)

A Farewell To Arms is widely considered to be one of Ernest Hemingway’s best works. He has long been regarded as one of America’s most talented writers. Every student owes the author the courtesy of reading it before graduating, as it appears that he rewrote it approximately 40 times to get it perfect. 

5. The Grapes of Wrath (Novel by John Steinbeck)

The Grapes of Wrath is an extraordinarily beautiful story of love, camaraderie, resilience, and bravery. During the Great Depression, an Oklahoma farmer and his family were uprooted from their home and forced to travel to California.

6. Lord of the Flies (Novel by William Golding)

In 1954, Lord of the Flies was originally published, and it continues to be divisive today. It is a timeless work that has been called an allegory, a satire, a myth, and a morality story.  A group of young boys who are left alone and abandoned on an island serve as an example of how a damaged society is shown in the book. 

7. To Kill a Mockingbird (Novel by Harper Lee)

Any student who is majoring in English, the Arts, or Literature is likely to have previously read Kill a Mockingbird as part of their assigned reading list. Many high schools also offer courses in it. This masterwork should be placed on your “to read” list as a top priority, though, if you haven’t already read it. Racism and racial equality are major issues in the book.