Want an international education but a career in Pakistan? One thing or another always brings us back home. It could be the circle of life or the need to be back to the culture and tradition we know so well, but often students choose to go study abroad and then return home to work on their career. This could be because the workforce here offers more opportunities, or someone might decide they want to work to improve the country in some way. But what are the careers that will help you maintain a stable lifestyle in Pakistan? We’ve mentioned below some of the best career and job opportunities available in Pakistan:

  1. Chartered Accountants:
    Chartered accountants are very successful entrepreneurs. There’s a lot of respect for this career in Pakistan, and it is a very well-paying job due to the high qualifications and skills of the individuals who take up this job.
  2. Architect:
    Architecture is a rising profession and field of study in Pakistan. As Pakistan extends international relations, there’s more scope than ever for architects to work with international and local companies to make a name for themselves.
  3. Surgeon:
    Surgery is a tough profession, but it is all the more valued in Pakistan due to its ever-needed necessity. There’s a deficiency of well-educated and well-trained surgeons in Pakistan who are extremely successful with their patients, which makes it a very high-paying job and one that many should seek out.
  4. Lawyer:
    Pakistan is a progressing country, and its youth are learning more and more about social issues and the awareness that should be brought about because of them. As a country that’s doing its best to advocate for legal business and conduct, law has become a popular career choice. One needs to be able to understand the legal foundations that the country is built on and what is legal and illegal here, which is why so much of the youth is opting for law, and not just because of the pay.
  5. Engineering:
    The world is moving towards an era of innovation and technology where people can see the world and create solutions to miniscule problems, which makes the need for engineering all the louder. Pakistan cherishes all types of engineering, which could be mechanical, biomedical, electrical, chemical, etc. As a developing country, Pakistan now needs more than ever: young, bright-minded individuals who can look at the country and its issues from a different perspective and understand in depth what could be done to tackle all the practical difficulties the country is facing.
  6. Software Engineer/Software Development Manager:
    As the world moves on to its digital era, the rise in the need for software engineers and development managers is felt all around. Pakistan is catching up with the rest of the world, but any developing field requires a push. For Pakistan, the push would be brilliant-minded students who have studied at internationally acclaimed universities and learned what other countries have done to remain afloat in the digital era, who can implement what they’ve studied and worked on within Pakistan and develop the software industry in Pakistan.
  7. Digital Marketer:
    Within every industry, there is currently a need to broadcast the services and products offered. This task is taken on and carried out by digital marketers and professionals in their field, who know the best ways to reach out to an audience and consumers. Pakistan has seen the works of these people played out on TV or on the billboards along the way, and this field only remains rising more and more.
  8. Physician:
    Pakistan is susceptible to many diseases due to a lack of well-developed healthcare systems, which makes physicians more needed. With the onset of COVID-19, dengue, rubella, measles, polio, diabetes, etc., physicians are a highly demanded profession in the country, with almost every hospital needing more and more.
  9. Dentist:
    Lack of awareness and implementation of proper dental hygiene causes some of the worst dental cases in Pakistan. Almost every other person has some sort of dental problem, which is why dentists are highly paid in Pakistan.
  10. Pilots:
    As more international traffic heads to and from Pakistan, there is an added requirement for trained pilots who can cope with different time zones, long flights, and the issues that may arise with the aircraft.
  11. Information Technology and Systems Professionals:
    More and more companies are digitizing to keep up with the fast-moving developments that the world is making, and with that comes more opportunities for people highly qualified to deal with all the equipment that is needed to keep everything stored in a cloud.
  12. Project Manager:
    Pakistan is a country that’s working to make a name internationally in all industries possible. It’s a busy country with many things happening all at once and many projects coming up that are promised to take things to the next level. This calls for a project manager, someone who can organize all the tasks and deadlines of everything that has to be done to ensure efficiency. A project manager position within any of Pakistan’s well-known companies is a very well-paying and well-respected job.
  13. Supply Chain Manager:
    Being authentic and meeting certain set standards is something that Pakistan is famous for. To ensure that all needs are being met and all operations are carried out to full capacity while meeting quality standards, a supply chain manager is very important to any company or business. The hype for supply chain managers in Pakistan has only increased in the past few years and will continue to do so, which is what makes it such a good career option.